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Water and Sewer Rates

The Town of Cumberland Gap’s water and sewer division has been responsibly serving the town’s water and sewer needs for many years. We maintain a commitment to provide the best service we can for residential and commercial needs alike. Current water and sewer rates are as follows:

Water Rates

0-3,000 gal                         $50.65

3,001 – 7,000 gal                $0.60     per hundred over min.

7,001 and up                     $0.70     per hundred over min.

Sewer Rates

Sewer-Inside Town limits

Residential and Small Commercial

0-3,000 gal                           $49.45

3,001 gal and up                  $0.45     per hundred over min.

Large Commercial

0-3,000 gal                           $90.00

3,001 gal and up                  $0.300  per hundred over min.

Outside Town limits

Residential and Small Commercial

0-3,000 gal                           $58.00

3,001 gal and up                  $0.50     per hundred over min.

Large Commercial Rates

0-2,000 gal                        $190.00

2,001 gal and up               $0.50     per hundred over min.