weather icon 57°F
moderate rain

Upcoming Events

Forms and Applications

Forms for the following services can be found on this page

Short Term Vacation Rentals

Below is everything you need to apply for a Short Term Vacation Rental in the Town of Cumberland Gap.

Water/Sewer/ Garbage

Below  is everything you need to set up your water/sewer, garbage, and recycling in  the Town Cumberland Gap.

  1. Utility agreement
  • A $75.00 non-refundable fee must accompany the application (can be paid over the phone)
  • Bills usually go out around the 1st of the month and are due the 20th of each month.
  • Basic rate for w/s & garbage pickup is $116.29 per month( up to 3,000 gallons of water).

2. Municipal Codes- Refuse and Trash Disposal

  • Garbage pickup is on Monday’s. Please have all garbage in a bag and placed in a can out front on Monday mornings.
  • Please DON’T put garbage out prior to Monday mornings.

4. Reach Alert signup form

  • This service will allow us to immediately share important regarding a number of items, including waterline breaks/boil water advisories, water shut-offs due to non-payment, road closures, fire hydrant flushing, events, etc.

5. Bank Draft Recurring Payment Authorization Form

  • Draft Date: 20th of every month (bill due date)
  • The attached form only applies to your bank account

6. Customer Portal Information

Building Permit

Below is everything you need to apply for a building permit in the Town of Cumberland Gap.

  1. Building Permit Checklist (must be returned)
  2. Certificate of Appropriateness for the Historic District (must be returned, if applicable)
  3. Building Permit Information Sheet (must be returned)
  4. Planning Commission Application (must be returned)
  5. Building Permit Application (must be returned)
  6. Board Of Zoning Appeals Application (must be returned, if applicable)
  7. Site Plan Checklist (must be returned, if applicable)
  8. Municipal Zoning Code- General Provisions
  9. Municipal Code- C-1 District
  10. Municipal Code- C1A District
  11. Municipal Code- C-2 District
  12. Municipal Code- C-3 District
  13. Municipal Code- C-4 District
  14. Municipal Code- R-1 District
  15. Municipal Code- R-2 Districts
  16. Municipal Code-Historic District

Special Event Permit/and or Special Event Beer Permit

Below is everything you will need to apply for a Special Event Permit and/or a Special Event Beer Permit in the Town of Cumberland Gap.

  1. Special Event Permit Checklist
  2. Special Event Permit Application
  3. Special Event Beer Permit Application , if applicable
  4. Written Statement of Approval from the Landowner
  5. Municipal Code- Beer
  6. Municipal Code- Special event/temporary beer permits
  7. Municipal Code- Special Events


Public Records Policy

Public Records Request Form